Technology Consulting

Expert Consulting Services

troubleshooting and development.. I will figure out what is wrong and fix it…

Manage your tech team for deployment

Consult on web design and themes or plugins like Elementor, Gutenberg, Pagelayer, etc. 

Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (fix computer/network problems/POS)

Elementor for WordPress Pro User










( this is a test website- I test everything here first so your site never crashes)

Background picture is Cerrillos, NM.

my other test web site: 

What I can do for you

Tech Consulting

As consultant, I come in for pre-agreed upon amount of time and fix your problem.  

Most people are human and cannot run their business and  fix technology problems.

Hire me and I take over the whole job.  


Web Development

I will listen to you and we will make a great web site.  My team or yours.  You get to run your business. 

Need an e-commerce store and don’t know how to get started?  Get in touch.  

I will show you options and we will go from there.


Other Stuff

On another note,  I dog and cat and horse and bird watch for select people and animals.

 I hike and walk a lot.  Five miles a day minimum; therefore, if you have a lazy dog, find another sitter.  Animals love me and I love animals.  If you were in front of computer for hours a day fixing web sites, managing designers and taking calls, you would take long walk breaks as well.

Former Adjunct Professor of Computer Technology- Western New Mexico University, Truth or Consequences

B.A. English/History Minor from 

University of Texas, Austin

Knicks and Mets fan- so I know pain



505 490-6088

575 740-3262

Truth or Consequences, NM 


Santa Fe/Cerrillos/Madrid, NM